Dec 4, 2023Liked by Joshua

It has been so long since I read anything on raptitude.com! What a fun surprise to click on Depth Year to land there. I imagine if I committed, I would be forced to re-discover all the thing I previously started but stopped.

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Interesting post! I really like the phrase "Infinite Browsing Mode" that Davis uses. But for me, part of the problem is the situation, not the activity. Just why would he be browsing for Netflix options late at night?

You mention lizard brains. That notion, as I understand it, stems from the "triune brain" concept, which is described as "one of the most successful and widespread errors in all of science" by neuroscientist Lisa Feldman Barrett in 'Seven And A Half Lessons About The Brain' (p. 15). https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/48930266-seven-and-a-half-lessons-about-the-brain

It's a good read!

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